
I’m David Dyck, and I have an honours undergraduate degree in both Linguistics and Computer Science, which makes me an expert in neither and a bumbling fool in both.

Professionally, I work for a computer security company, mainly as a Penetration Tester, but dabbling in other security-related roles as I’m needed. That includes incident response, vulnerability management, and various other forms of security assessments and consultations.

Penetration testing is certainly my focus, passion, and expertise, but I also have years of experience with network administration, systems administration, and various facets thereof. If you’re interested in the nitty-gritty, take a peek at my resume!

My linguistics degree focused on syntax and sociolinguistics, but all facets of linguistics fascinate me, and I naturally received education in all main areas. I can often be heard repeating an interesting fact about a language, or a neat tidbit of the history of the English language.

Aside from those, I enjoy working with my hands, and often spend a weekend here or there building a deck with a friend, landscaping, or helping out on one of a couple farms. When it isn’t manual labor or farming, I still find myself outside on hikes, camping, or reading.